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A3 | Diorama


A2 Feedback Reflection


Very thorough feedback I appreciate that, it does take off the rose tinted glasses and focus on the aspects that need work, and like, at this point in the semester I really need that extra push, there will be late nights ahead for sure. You can always count on a lecturer's feedback to both humble you and make you work twice as harder. 




Key notes:


- More detail in the mirror model, occlusion map to bring out the details ✅


- high fidelity mirror, contents of mirror more painterly.


- bump map/normal map same thing


A3 Progress


Things to work on:

- Improve texturing/detailing work



- Added more detailing on frame


Animation ideas:
- Fireworks? bit cheesy but i'll consider it

- shooting stars - bag raiders

- plant growth

- medieval people walking towards castle/carriage?

-sparking effect





Additional supporting conceptual work


i'd imagine a time in my life where i don't have to hold back love































Hey Adrian, This project, first and foremost, is coming along really nicely. It’s probably the strongest concept this semester — certainly the most well thought-out and researched — which should really pay off for you in Assignment 3. Your modelling work on the castle and other buildings is also impressive, as you saw in the feedback sessions when your peers admired your work. I’m really looking forward to seeing the end result of this one, and agree that you should be super proud of it so far. As well as continuing to model out the rest of the diorama, I think the main thing to consider at this stage is your approach to the texture work of the mirror frame itself. You do address this in your PDF, and I understand that you lost a bit of time figuring out the UVs, but right now the texture looks quite rough. Without over-burdening you too much, I would advocate for just a bit more detailing on the frame: something like this (, where you’ve got a bit more detail in the modelling, but you rely more on a simple material and maybe an occlusion map to bring out that detail. It’s definitely worth thinking about, as it’s the focus of the scene in many ways, and the portal into this world. Beyond that, I wouldn’t stress too much about getting the perspective effect working in Sketchfab: as you can see with this example (, once you get the background colour effect working, it’s pretty easy for the viewer to figure out where to look, even if the camera isn’t constrained. Another thing to think about is how to make it actually look like a mirror without obscuring the models inside it — maybe just a simple semi-transparent glass plane will do the trick. In terms of the presentation itself, it’s great, as per usual. The introduction was funny, a little weird, but funny. I loved the process documentation that you’ve worked up, especially the maps, and seeing your process of thinking. The last idea that I’ll offer you is to consider maybe splitting your stylistic approach: perhaps the mirror could be depicted in a higher fidelity, materials-based style, while the interior scene is more fanciful and painterly. In any case, this is progressing really nicely, and as long as you keep up the momentum, it should be an excellent folio piece. Just be aware that there’s no need to include both a normal map and a bump map, as they do the same thing :)


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