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A3 | Design Problem Response


The Terminal

(Virtual Vignette)

This idea, stemmed from a dream I had that I can actually recall this time, because it was really vivid and I think it's actually pretty relevant to how I currently feel in my mid 20's. Although foggy, the imagery I can sort of make out.


I recall being in a bus terminal, or it could've been a train terminal, the only memorable ones have been in Shinjuku, Tokyo but also recalling ones seen in media & film, like Grand Central Terminal and also seeing ones in rural Russia . Anyway, I think my brain formed this amalgamation of train station terminals I've seen throughout my life and it formed it into one, but the overarching theme of this dream, was that I was stuck here, I was stuck at a crossroad, I wasn't lost, I wasn't necessarily going anywhere, but what I did feel was dread, and the feeling of being left behind, the feeling of waiting for something that wasn't going to come. 


This place felt like a version of being stuck in limbo, or purgatory where one is in "a place or state of temporary suffering or misery". Although I don't think that this is coming from a place of misery. I think it stems from the situation I find myself in, and perhaps a lot of other mid 20's can relate to this, the transitional period of your life between your adult and teenage years, where you have acquaintances that are travelling solo, going to incredible places on their own, friends who have moved out, friends who have found purpose in marriage and creating their own family. Thinking about all of this, spending my time here studying and creating, feels like time is fleeting away, that I could be spending my life living more freely. 


And as I sit on the train station bench, I watch as people step on their train, returning home. I look at the screen above me wondering if my train will ever come.


This is the vignette that came out of this experience, it's pretty self explanatory but the crux of it is that I'm trying to convey that sense of abandonment.


The large overarching background that you see is meant to convey the sense of lost scale that you might find in a dreamlike sequence. 




Snow Globe Bonsai​

(Procedural Environment)


Just wanted to break up the dreariness of my minimalist environments at this stage but also propose an idea that responds to a form of digital bonsai. 

















The Tunnel Of The Stone Spirit


I was going through some of the virtual vignettes created by Andre Blyth that was linked on the minimalist modules and as I was playing through some of them a scene in particular stood out to me that I was always fascinated by, a scene excerpt from Spirited Away aways come to mind, and it you've watched the film or paid close attention to, the scene in which Chihiro's family's car abruptly stops at a red building, which is being protected by a stone spirit. 


The Tunnel 


Now this scene to me comes to mind because, it conveys this sense of mystery and uneasiness right from the beginning especially when you see the dark entrance. There's this complex feeling that's being evoked for me. It's this sense of danger that you feel emanating from this dark entrance but everything else in the scene makes it all the more alluring to make you want to enter.


What makes this scene personal to me is the feeling of this, what i'll call, curious uneasiness. 


This would've been during a cool breezy summer's day, I was old enough to ride a bike around my neighbourhood, I ride far enough to reach the local oval, but getting to this oval, to this lush green field of grass, was this long, straight street with a court at the end of it which you had to ride through to get to the field of grass. Now at the end of the court, was this ordinary looking house, it wasn't 





































Screenshot 2022-10-07 154933.png

Here I wanted to bring a dreamlike sequence using the background visuals with very minimal interaction


I wanted to bring in a somber tone to the environment.


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