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A2 | Pitch Presentation


Closing Thoughts! | 10.04.22


The first presentation in person in a very long time! Definitely a nerve-racking experience still as a socially anxious person. I think that the in-person engagements and class discussions do help out to loosen up a little and gain a bit more confidence in speaking up. You can really notice that students (that I have never seen speak in class before) talk and discuss things right after we finished our presentations. 


Presentation Skills:


I think the presentation itself was overall engaging, there were a few stutters and hiccups but other than that, I hope that the information flowed well. I did treat it like a real pitch presentation that I was trying to sell.


Design Concept:


Something I had wished I spent more time on, I had spent a lot of time ruminating over small details such as what type of conversations users will have. I didn't have time to present the user interface as I would for a real presentation, with logos, maybe voice-over etc? I'd be happy with it if it presented itself like an actual ad, as I spent time researching what a real app ad would look like.


Process & Project Planning:


Okay, I needed to spend more time talking about the specifics, I was very vague about process and project planning and didn't mention time and budgetary constraints.

However, I really liked that I focused on future features & I liked the idea of a future roadmap to keep the hypothetical investors invested.


Future habits:


- Spend time after class going over peer reviews and critiques, I think most of us from my group.

- Go back to session to session blog entries (use this a bit more as it really helped me progress through and keep me in check for DMS1, this actually keeps me accountable and most of the time got the ball rolling in terms of productivity and getting tasks done.)

- Allocate more time to DMS2.

- Mentioned above, but start documenting project progress every week or session.

Applied habits from previous assignment:


- Being a little bit more organised in terms of content presentation.

- More technical insight to how the app worked. 

- Tried to show the core features on the prototype video.

Things I gained:

- Social confidence

- Adobe XD skills

- Better wireframing and user journey maps


Development Work Folder

Project Workflow

Some early ideas, themes & aesthetic generating

Finally got the gist of the software, it got easier to animate and simulate interactions

Some basic editing with sound effects and background music!

Prototype video! This was cute I liked how it turned out despite time constraints on my end.



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