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A4 | Reflection


Week 10, Session 1 | 27.09.21

Inspirational websites that I enjoy visiting (most of them are music artists)



 - What sort of website do you want to create?


Something that pops out, unconventional, something that shows my interests/aesthetics at a glance.

- Who is the target audience for your website?


Other artists, friends, lecturers. (I'll update accordingly once I get more work in here)

- What features will your audience want to see in your final website design?


Something scrolling, like when you scroll, a text box will appear next to the artwork


^ This idea changed over time, I knew it wasn't easy to do so I had to switch up my main page aesthetic as I was coming up with ideas.


^ I didn't want to include an about me page or intro to who I am, I enjoy websites that are minimal and let the work speak for itself. (much like eric andre's website)









Week 10, Session 2 | 30.09.21


I knew I wanted to showcase mockup posters so I made a poster for each assignment! I'm happy with how these turned out, I plan on making more in the future and expanding the home page with a gallery of posters.


Wireframe session:


Although creating wireframes seems nice and tidy, I am really the type to sketch everything out by hand, I just really find it easier and streamlined.




























Week 11, Session 1 | 04.10.21


So going ahead with this week, I'd always kept in mind about how I could make the front page unique, just like the artists' webpages I linked earlier, so I came up with a few ideas and sketched a few rough wireframes.


^ Initial wireframing was very rough and didn't end up going ahead. I think for this week, I was still trying to come up with an idea to commit to.




Week 11, Session 2 | 07.10.21


I was pretty much in a rut at this point in time and I felt like there wasn't this golden idea that came up (not that I was searching for the perfect idea). I just needed some sort of inspiration that could help me finalize something unique. 


I basically decided to take a walk outside after being inside for way too long, pretty much walking by things I found interesting, I walked by a menu that looked interesting and thought that could be a potential front page, I walked through alley ways and found these walls of stickers that sparked an idea but it felt a bit too hard to do at the time, but eventually I walked passed a storefront that had an interesting geometric poster type wall.  















Week 12, Session 1 | 11.10.21


Group Feedback Session:

This didn't go too bad! Everyone at this point, including myself didn't have much besides the basics and the homepage + wireframe pages. It was hard to give actual constructive feedback as there wasn't much content to give feedback on besides fleshing everything else out


I knew I wanted to maintain the same timeline type scrolling aspect, so I used them for my assignment pages, this was the free code I adopted!



I ended up changing the text, colours and position to suit what I needed for the content.


I had a lot of overlapping issues and it took me really long time to figure out that you could use z-indexes to manipulate the overlap hierarchy. z-index = 2 to overlap any other elements







Week 12, Session 2 | 14.10.21 - Last Session!!


I really don't know if I've developed Stockholm Syndrome for this online class but whatever it is, it kinda felt odd to end it there. Maybe it was all the struggles we went through and then making it all the way to the end?? It was by far the most challenging course unit, but for reals though, these blog posts + course content + submission feedback has honestly equipped me with the design tools and creative output that I didn't even realize was a thing for me.


I keep forgetting that it's only been 1 semester but boy, it felt like an eternity.


Pretty much from this point on, I've been working on getting all of the content in the assignment pages, the timeline style works well for me as you can probably already tell with the blog posts, I figured I might as well keep it consistent. (it doesn't look too bad too)


Closing Thoughts! | 15.10.21


This was a really great introduction to the Digital Media course, definitely super fast paced with learning all of the new software in only 3 weeks, which was daunting at first, but each new module kept you on your feet and we all got there at the end (I hope). 


Future habits/reflections:


- Practice giving better feedback!

Applied habits from previous assignment:


- Getting feedback

- Reiterative process

- Having an early concept in mind and building on top of that from the start.

Things I gained:

- A lot more insight on html coding! but definitely need some polishing up with the code.​




Screenshot 2021-10-15 230252.png
Screenshot 2021-10-15 230401.png
reddit 1.png

What I thought Reddit's wireframe was

reddit 2.png

vs. what it actually is

Screenshot 2021-10-15 193341.png
Screenshot_20211016-221349_Samsung Notes.jpg

Trying to actualize it on paper, I did have to adjust the main page during the last few days, I ran out of time because of how much time organizing the rest of the content took.

Some random storefront that had a cool design that inspired my website

Drawing on my phone notepad in public like a mad man

Screenshot 2021-10-17 002616.png
Screenshot 2021-10-17 003037.png

Just z-index that shiz

Why do I always encounter elements that have seizures

This is how I fixed the issue above, I had to create a separate div class for each poster image, so that I could position and size them accordingly.

Screenshot 2021-10-17 010245.png

Coding, coding, coding, trial, error, error, trial, error


Trying to utilize maybe a timeline again, maybe I can use this to showcase work experience in the future.

Early wireframe sketching, if you can call these that.


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